Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week Three

* Random Observations: The light green plant is still growing. Tiny green fibers generating from the light green plant are filing up much of the unoccupied water. Also, I havent really spotted to many new or interesting things.

I did however figure out what specific diatom the last image was! It is a Anomoeoneis Diatom. Valves lanceolate to elliptical-lanceolate with rostrate to sub-capitate (rarely capitate) ends. Striae distinctly punctate. Hyaline areas on either side of the axial area. Distal raphe ends clearly deflected to one side. (Information from Freeliving Freshwater Protozoa By: D.J. Patterson Page: 243)

New findings:


Belonging to kingdom Monera, it is a prokaryote. Named for it oscilation in movement. When I viewed it under the microscope it was slowly moving back and forth. I didn't think much of it, I just thought it was part of the plant slowly moving with the water until Mr. McFarland told me what it was. It's brown-green in color and gets it's energy from light. It reproduces by fragmentation.

Information from: The Algae of Illinois By: Lewis Hanford Page: 343 (Plate 93)

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