Spirotrichea: Oligotrichia: Oligotrichida: Halteriidae. Family & Genus: Circumferential paratene (cirrus-like "bristles") usually polykinetid; body small, rounded.Genus: Spherical or broadly fusiform; anterior border bears conspicuous adoral zone. Body circular or globular; AZM is composed of two sets membranelles; longer set emerges from the buccal cavity and wind around the apex of the cell; long, stiff cilia present equatorially; saltatorial locomotion quite common.
Information from: Freeliving Freshwater Protozoa By: D.J. Patterson
- Another find is an amoeba. It is a genus of protozoa and moves by means of pseudopods. It is unicellular. There are several of these through out my aquarium and are found attached to the glass. The are transparent and slow moving.
Information from: http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/indexmag.html?http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artsep01/amoeba.html
- One other new thing of interst is another diatom recognition: the filamentus diatom, melosira which was a golden color and lengthy.
- Something I couldn't identify if this. It was flipping about wildly through out the water near the light green plant (please excuse the poor drawing):